The Hindi box office welcomed a new South Indian film this weekend in the form of Ram Charan’s Game Changer. Going by the latest box, Office reports. The Ram Charan film has opened on almost similar note as Devara.
Devara had earlier collected in the range of Rs 7 crore nett at the Hindi box office and this was a decent number. Now, the communication about Game Changer is also that the film had collected the same Rs 7 crore nett.
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However, Hindi tabloids are commenting that “external” influences might be the reason behind the decent number for Game Changer. They are hinting at forced bookings through this claim.
The makers of Game Changer have proudly claimed that the film had collected Rs 186 crore on its opening day and it has led to discussions already. But in the meantime, the Hindi collections are also becoming a talking point.
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NTR couldn’t gain much mileage from RRR in terms of Hindi market. There were complaints that the box office performance of the film in Hindi also was largely fabricated.
On the other hand, we have Game Changer which appears to have started in a decent note in itself. But considering the rather timid early reviews, it has to be seen where this film will end up this time around.
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After RRR, both Charan and Tarak needed face-saving films at the very least. In this context, NTR could do something at least reasonably well with Devara as the film put up noteworthy numbers. Game Changer will have to do something similar but the early momentum that was seen in the case of Devara is missing for Game Changer now.