Aditya penned a note while also revealing his name which is ‘Vedavid’.The note read, “We are thrilled to announce the arrival of our beloved son, VEDAVID, who graced us with his birth on the auspicious day of ‘akshay tritiya’. Please shower him with your kind blessings and love. Warm Regards, Yami and Aditya’.”
In his caption, Aditya thanked all the doctors and hospital, further adding, “As we embark on this beautiful journey of parenthood, we eagerly anticipate the bright future that awaits our son. With every milestone he achieves, we are filled with the hope and belief that he will grow to become a beacon of pride for our entire family as well as our beloved nation. 🙏✨❤️🇮🇳”
Yami was last seen in ‘Article 370’. It is expected that she will take a break post the baby. She will also be seen next in a film with Pratik Gandhi which has already been shot.