WWE Night of Champions Results: New champions crowned; Big upset in Bloodline’s tag title match


WWE Night of Champions kicked off from the Jeddah Superdome in Saudi Arabia, and first up was the World Heavyweight Championship match between Seth Rollins and AJ Styles.

WWE Night of Champions Results (May 27, 2023): Seth Rollins vs. AJ Styles – World Heavyweight Championship match

Who will walk out of #WWENOC as the World Heavyweight Champion?

Rollins tossed AJ out of the ring early on before getting a near fall off of a clothesline. Styles came back with a knee strike to the face before locking a hold, but it was broken out of. Styles crashed into the turnbuckles after Rollins sidestepped a dive.

Styles got a near fall off a DDT before Rollins got the buckle bomb and the splash for a near fall of his own. Styles got a neckbreaker for another near fall before Rollins countered a Styles Clash from the second rope. Rollins got the inverted Falcon arrow before AJ got a big suplex on the apron.

Rollins countered the Phenomenal Forearm and hit a dive but hurt his knee on the way down. AJ locked the calf crusher on Rollins before Seth was able to counter it. Styles missed the Pele kick and took a superkick and a stomp to the hand before missing the Styles Clash again.

AJ hit the Pedigree on Rollins before trying for the forearm but was met with a superkick. Rollins botched the stomp as his knee gave out but hit the Pedigree before getting the stomp for the win.

Result: Seth Rollins def. AJ Styles to become the new World Heavyweight Champion

Grade: A

Becky Lynch vs. Trish Stratus at WWE Night of Champions

Becky slapped Trish off the bat and unloaded on her before sending her into the corner and kicking her down to the outside. Trish dodged the baseball slide before sending Becky into the steel steps. Back in the ring, Trish got some big hits in before locking in a hold.

Stratus got a near fall off a neckbreaker before Becky got a near fall off a leg drop. Trish failed to lock in a sharpshooter and got caught on the ropes before Becky locked in a Boston Crab. Trish rolled outside before taking Becky out with a superkick.

Back in the ring, Trish got a near fall off the Chick Kick before Becky came back with the Dis-Arm-Her and then the manhandle slam. Zoey Stark came out from under the ring and hit a Z360 on Becky on the outside while the ref was distracted. Back in the ring, Trish got the Stratusfaction and picked up the win.

Result: Trish Stratus def. Becky Lynch

Grade: B+

Gunther (c) vs. Mustafa Ali – Intercontinental Championship match at WWE Night of Champions

Ali started off strong and hit a dropkick, but Gunther turned it around and tossed Ali into the corner before hitting some chops and locking in a Boston Crab. The champ transitioned to a headlock before kicking Ali off the apron and tossing him head-first into the ring post.

Ali hit a Sunset Flip and followed up with the 450 Splash but failed to get the three-count. Gunther came back with some clotheslines, and they traded some chops before Ali got a superkick and a DDT. Gunther rolled out of the way of the 450 and hit a big boot and a powerbomb for the win.

Result: Gunther def. Mustafa Ali to retain the Intercontinental Championship

Grade: B

Bianca Belair (c) vs. Asuka – RAW Women’s Championship match at WWE Night of Champions

Asuka used Belair’s hair to take her down before the champ came back with some strikes in the corner before hitting some spears. Belair got a dropkick before heading outside the ring, and Asuka chased after her and tossed her into the steel steps.

Asuka used the hair to drag Belair down once more but took a big move for a near fall. Belair almost got caught in the Asuka Lock but reversed it before taking a kick to the face for a near fall.



Belair dodged the mist, but Asuka countered the KOD before locking in the armbar. Bianca tried for the KOD, but Asuka spit the mist in her hands and used the hand to rake the eyes of the champ before getting the win.

Result: Asuka def. Bianca Belair to become the new RAW Women’s Champion

Grade: A

Rhea Ripley (c) vs. Natalya – SmackDown Women’s Championship match at WWE Night of Champions

This celebration is EVERYTHING!!!


An early distraction from Dominik allowed Rhea to take control of the match as she knocked Natalya into the corner before tossing her outside and into the steel steps. Back in the ring, Rhea hit the Riptide and picked up the quick win.

Result: Rhea Ripley def. Natalya to retain the SmackDown Women’s Championship

Grade: C

Cody Rhodes vs. Brock Lesnar at WWE Night of Champions

Cody’s arm was broken, and he was apparently wearing a titanium cast to protect it. Cody ran out of the ring early on, and Brock chased him down before spearing him into the corner of the ring. Cody took a German Suplex and, according to the announcers, landed on the injured arm.

Cody took a second and a third Suplex before using the cast as a weapon and knocking Brock out of the ring. Cody hit a diving forearm with the cast before getting an axhandle and the disaster kick, followed by a Cody Cutter for a near fall.

Cody hit two Cross Rhodes before Lesnar got the Kimura on the injured arm. Cody tried to reverse the hold before Brock rolled him over and locked it in even tighter. Cody got to the bottom rope to break it up and hit another Cross Rhodes before taking the F5.

Cody managed to kick out before Brock locked in the Kimura once more before the referee called it since Rhodes was unresponsive. Brock refused to let go of the hold after the bell but eventually gave up and walked out.

Result: Brock Lesnar def. Cody Rhodes

Grade: A

Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn vs. Roman Reigns & Solo Sikoa – Undisputed Tag Team Championship match at WWE Night of Champions

Sami got on the mic and greeted the crowd in Arabic before the match kicked off. Sami and Solo were about to kick off the match after both teams made tags, and Roman went out to talk to Heyman.

Solo tossed Sami into the corner right away before getting some chops and strikes, but Zayn came back with an elbow. KO was tagged in and took a big uppercut before hitting a big boot and tagging Sami back in for a double team.

Solo got a big slam and a knee drop before Roman was finally tagged in. Owens got a superkick before Roman came back with a big clothesline. KO hit a powerbomb and a splash for a near fall before countering a spear into a stunner.

Tags were made before Sami took a superkick from Solo but countered the Samoan Spike to hit an exploder suplex. Solo took the Helluva Kick, but Roman broke up the pin.

Roman never got the tag and tried to spear Sami, but he sidestepped, and Reigns speared the referee by accident. Sami came in with the Superman Punch off the distraction and mocked Roman before Reigns came back with a Superman Punch of his own.

Owens came in with a spear on the Universal Champion before tossing him outside and into the steel steps. He cleared the announce desk and put Roman on it before the Usos came in and took KO out with double superkicks, and buried him under the table.

The Usos tried the double superkicks on Sami in the ring, but he dodged it. Solo was behind him and took the kicks. Roman saw the Usos take out Solo and was furious before attacking the Usos in the ring. Jimmy took Roman out with a superkick before yelling at his brother and hitting one more on The Tribal Chief.

Jey was starting to crack, and Jimmy dragged him backstage before Sami and KO took down Solo in the ring who was the legal man. Solo took the Helluva Kick before Sami picked up the win for his team!

Result: Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn def. Roman Reigns & Solo Sikoa to retain the Undisputed Tag Team Championship

Grade: A

Show rating: A

We got two new champs tonight at WWE Night of Champions, while Gunther and Ripley retained their titles. Cody Rhodes took quite the beating from Brock Lesnar, and we got a great tag team title might to end the night.

Legendary WWE star confesses he did not initially like Dolph Ziggler. More details here.

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