
    WWE Elimination Chamber Results: Former champ injured; Unexpected end to title match

    WWE Elimination Chamber kicked off from the Bell Centre in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, and first up was the Women’s Elimination Chamber Match.

    We’re kicking off #WWEChamber with the Women’s Elimination Chamber Match!

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    WWE Elimination Chamber Results (February 18, 2023): Women’s Elimination Chamber Match

    Natalya and Liv kicked off the match, and Nattie was sent into the cage wall a few times before she tossed Liv into Nikki Cross’ cage. Raquel was in next and got a stinger splash on Nattie before hitting the Fallaway Slam on Morgan.

    Morgan got the Codebreaker on Raquel before Nikki Cross joined the match. Cross sent Raquel into the ring post before hitting a dive off a pod and taking everyone else out. Carmella was the last one in and tried to get an early pin.

    Raquel sent Nikki through a pod before eliminating her with a lateral press. Asuka was in next and went after Carmella and sent her into the steel cage wall. Raquel was caught in a submission hold but broke out of it before Morgan hit Asuka with a dropkick.

    Natalya locked the sharpshooter in on Morgan before Asuka joined in with a double submission, eliminating Liv.

    Asuka was beating Natalya down before Carmella came in and got the pin on Nattie.

    Asuka and Carmella teamed up and eliminated Raquel with a double pin.

    Carmella got a superkick on Asuka before the Empress locked in a modified armbar before picking up the win!

    Result: Asuka won the Women’s Elimination Chamber match

    Grade: A

    Brock Lesnar vs. Bobby Lashley at WWE Elimination Chamber

    Lesnar sent Lashley into the corner early on and got a big suplex before sending him outside. Back in the ring, Lashley got a near fall off a spear before hitting a second one.

    Lesnar got an F5 off a counter before hitting another but missing the third. Lashley slipped out and hit another spear before trying for the Hurt Lock. Brock was in trouble and hit a low blow to break the hold before the referee called the match.

    Result: Bobby Lashley def. Brock Lesnar via DQ

    Brock hit an F5 on the ref after the match and then sent Lashley through the announcers’ desk with another F5. He then hit a final F5 on the ref on top of the announcers’ desk wreckage before leaving.

    Grade: B

    Edge & Beth Phoenix vs. Judgment Day at WWE Elimination Chamber

    Edge and Finn kicked off the match, and the Rated R Superstar got the Poetry in Motion before tags were made. Beth dodged a riptide before Rhea was sent into the steel steps outside. Dom ran a distraction and caught Beth on the ropes before Rhea took control.

    Rhea took a DDT before Balor took Edge off the apron. Beth dodged another riptide before getting a superplex in. Edge came back and locked in a hold on Balor before Beth did the same to Rhea.

    Dom ran another distraction, and Ripley hit Edge with brass knuckles. Beth tossed Dom into the ropes before Rhea sent her into the barricades. Rhea and Beth got double powerbombs in the ring before Rhea tried for the con-chair-to on Beth.

    Phoenix slipped out of the move and sent Rhea into the steel steps before hitting a Glam Slam on the outside. Edge got the Impaler DDT in the ring and took out Dom before getting a spear on Balor for the win.

    Result: Edge & Beth Phoenix def. Judgment Day

    Grade: B+

    Elimination Chamber Match for the WWE United States Championship

    Rollins and Gargano started the match, and they took each other down in the ring before Theory joined the match. Theory went after both superstars and beat them down before sending Rollins into the corner and Gargano into the cage wall.

    Gargano and Rollins recovered and went after Theory, who tried to hide in an open pod, only for Rollins to sneak up on him and beat him down. Damian Priest was in next and hit the Broken Arrow on Gargano.

    We got a big sequence of kicks leading to Rollins getting a superplex/falcon arrow combo on Priest. Bronson Reed joined the match and cleared the ring before stacking Rollins and Gargano in the corner for a double slam.

    Reed bounced Priest off a pod before getting a big shoulder tackle on Theory. Montez Ford was allowed into the ring and got some big moves on Theory before Reed took him down. Theory tried to lift Reed, but Bronson countered it and got a big slam of his own.

    Ford climbed up the cage wall and hit a dive from the top, taking out all the superstars below. Reed took superkicks and finishers from all the others before Ford eliminated him with a Frogsplash.

    Rollins and Gargano ended up on top of a pod, and Rollins almost hit a powerbomb off the top but Gargano turned it into a hurricanrana. Priest got the Razor’s Edge on Gargano and eliminated him.

    Ford got a Blockbuster on Priest and eliminated him. Ford hit some big dives over the ropes and planted Theory with an uranage before getting the Frog Splash. Rollins hit a stomp on the outside on Ford, and Theory came in and capitalized with the pin on Montez, eliminating him.

    Ford looked to be injured and had to be helped out of the ring. Rollins was in control of the match before Logan Paul came out of nowhere and took him down before hitting a stomp. Theory came in and hit the A-Town Down before getting the win.

    Result: Austin Theory won the Elimination Chamber match and retained the WWE United States Championship

    Grade: A

    Roman Reigns (c) vs. Sami Zayn – Undisputed WWE Universal Championship match at Elimination Chamber

    Sami got a headlock early on and sent Roman outside, but back in the ring, Roman took control of the match. Zayn took a drive-by on the apron before Roman took him down with a big right hook.

    The crowd and Sami’s family cheered him on as Roman beat him up at ringside. Back in the ring, Zayn came back with a big counter and got some big strikes to take the champ down and sent him outside.

    Back inside, Sami got a Sunset Flip powerbomb for a near fall. Sami hit an Exploder off a counter before Reigns got a Superman punch. Sami got another exploder and then a Superman punch of his own, followed by a Helluva kick for a near fall.

    Roman fled the ring and hit an uppercut on Sami before Sami sidestepped a spear fan Reigns went through the barricades. Sami got a blue thunder bomb in the ring for another near fall.

    The ref went down in the corner, and Sami got a Helluva kick, but there was no one to count. Jimmy Uso came into the ring and took out Sami, and set Roman up for the pin, but Zayn still kicked out.

    Sami got a headbutt and hit a helluva kick on Sami on the apron. Roman got a spear, but Sami kicked out of it! The referee was down once more while Roman and Sami took each other out as well in the ring.

    Paul Heyman handed Roman a steel chair under the ropes before Jey Uso came back. Roman handed Jey the chair and told him to hit Sami but hesitated.

    Roman slapped Jey and pushed him away before Sami came in with a spear but hit Jey by mistake. Roman beat Sami with the chair before getting a spear for the win.

    Result: Roman Reigns def. Sami Zayn to retain the Universal Championship at Elimination Chamber

    Kevin Owens was out after the match and attacked Jimmy and Roman, sending Uso through the announcers’ desk with a powerbomb. Owens got a chair and Paul Heyman tried to hit him from behind but took a Stunner.

    Owens was about to take out Reigns but allowed Sami to hit the Helluva kick before Elimination Chamber went off the air.

    Grade: B+

    Show rating: A

    We got a great show tonight with Asuka picking up the big win and Lesnar being disqualified. Theory retained his title while Edge and Phoenix got a big win tonight at WWE Elimination Chamber.

    Will a major betrayal take place at WWE Elimination Chamber? Details here.

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