Mumbai: Sahar police arrested a 45-year-old woman — Paola Perruccio, from Italy — on Monday, after she created a ruckus on a flight from Abu Dhabi to Mumbai. The woman allegedly insisted on sitting in the business class despite holding an economy class ticket, assaulted the cabin crew when stopped, following which she took off some of her clothes and walked up and down the aisle in a partially naked state.
Police received the complaint from the cabin crew on board Air Vistara flight UK 256, where the incident occurred, after it landed in Mumbai in the early hours on Monday. The flight took off from Abu Dhabi at 2.03 am IST on Monday.
An officer from Sahar police station elucidated the course of events: “At around 2.30 am, the woman, who was seated in the economy class, suddenly got up, ran to the business class and took a seat there. Two members of the cabin crew approached her to enquire if she needed help. When the flier did not respond, they requested her to return to her assigned seat. At this point, she started shouting at them and made aggressive gestures, leading the crew to suspect she was abusing them.”
When crew members tried to stop the woman from misbehaving she allegedly punched one of them in the face and spat on the other. Soon after, when other crew members rushed to the aid of their stunned colleagues, the woman started stripping.
“Much to the horror of the crew and other passengers, the woman started walking up and down the aisle without some of her clothes on. The ruckus continued for quite some time before the woman could be subdued and restrained,” the officer said.
Finally, when the flight landed at the Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj International Airport at around 4.53 a.m., the flyer was handed over to Air Vistara’s security officials, and then to the Sahar police.
After preliminary inquiries, the police on Monday afternoon registered a case against Perruccio, who according to details in her passport, was born in Sondrio, Italy.
“The accused has been booked for assault, other acts of interference against a crew member and endangering safety or jeopardising good order and discipline under the Aircraft Rules, 1937, along with assault and rash and negligent behaviour under relevant sections of the Indian Penal Code. She was produced before the court and granted bail later in the day,” said the officer.
Responding to a query from HT, a Vistara spokesperson confirmed the incident onboard. The spokesperson said, “In view of the continued unruly conduct and violent behaviour, the captain issued a warning card and decided to restrain the customer.” The pilot also made regular announcements to assure other flyers of their safety and security. “In accordance with the guidelines and our stringent standard operating procedures (SOPs), the security agencies on-ground were informed to take immediate action upon arrival.”