The trailer of Akshay Kumar’s SkyForce has been a subdued affair. Fans are bemused by the lead focus being given to newcomer Veer Pahariya and Akshay Kumar playing second fiddle.
Sara Ali Khan’s feeble presence has further disappointed, for her performances do not create any buzz. It is the first song, Maaye – The Anthem of Heroes, releasing tomorrow, that fans hope will do justice to this film.
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Considering the historical 1965 airstrike of Pakistan by India, the movie has a great premise but feels like Fighter’s budget cousin. Akshay Kumar is there, but his part is not much heinous.
Sara Ali Khan does nothing to impress in her supposed first lead role. No great excitement from the teaser among the audience. They are not sure about the emotional take of the movie.
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The new song, Maaye-The Anthem of Heroes, could salvage the situation. It was composed by B Praak, who made Teri Mitti an anthem that one will never forget, as it is said to remind one of Teri Mitti.
Remember, it had won hearts and got the National Award for Best Singer, making it draw millions of viewers to the cinemas during the run of Kesari. If Maaye captures that sort of patriotic fervour, she might pull in audiences into the cinema halls and make the movie more appealing.
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However, a great song does not guarantee success. The film’s narrative and presentation will play a significant role.
Maaye has promise, but the Kesari song shadow is so large that it leaves much pressure on this to perform in a similar manner. If it doesn’t, it may be tough for SkyForce to come back.
SkyForce has a long way to go. The trailer left everyone confused, and the movie is banking on Maaye – The Anthem of Heroes for an emotional connect. The million-dollar question is if it can recreate the magic of Teri Mitti for the audiences to flock back to the theatres.