What is better – proteins or carbs?



When seeking long-term weight loss it is important to balance between proteins and carbs

New Delhi: Weight loss is one of the most important and sought-after mechanisms that people the world over try with different kinds of fad diets, healthy diets, exercises, yoga, or a general health outlook.

However, many people get confused as they progress in their journey of achieving the desired weight goal. Health experts, however, believe that not one but various factors contribute to healthy and long-term weight loss.

Even though they are viewed as suspicious and are considered unbalanced, high-protein diets are often classified as another fad. However, many proteins specific eating plans claim that if you cut carbs and increase the intake of proteins it will help you lose weight more effectively.

How do proteins and carbs work?

Fish, meat, dairy, nuts, and grains are all sources of proteins and other essential nutrients as they are needed to strengthen muscles and bones, regulate hormones, and regulate immunity.

Carbohydrates like bread, beans, corn, etc. provide energy, and help in maintaining alertness and body endurance, they are considered as our mail fuels, providing much-needed energy to the body. According to Healthline, our brains in particular need carbs to help maintain alertness and concentration. For those who indulge in high-intensity physical activity like sports, carbs play an important role in optimizing performance.

But since the goal here is to lose weight effectively, here are a few facts regarding the two:

  • Proteins burn more calories than carbs
  • Proteins make you fuller for a longer time, decreasing urges and cravings for junk food
  • Proteins help to regulate appetite
  • Proteins help manage symptoms of metabolic syndrome like fluctuating blood sugar levels in diabetics

BBC Health suggests that a high-protein diet may help you lose more body fat rather than lean muscle mass.

Nutritionists call for moderation and balance

Like many fad diets, there are downsides to increasing protein and limiting carbs in your diet as well. According to nutritionists, taking high amounts of protein in your daily diet can lead to kidney issues like dysfunction, which can also be fatal in the long run.

Since carbs provide fibre, it is important to not let the balance go off as low-fibre diets for a long time may detrimentally impact the health of your gut and potentially increase the risk of colonic disease.

Making wise protein choices

According to Harvard Health like good and bad carbs, there are good and bad proteins. You can simply choose the good proteins:
  • Pick the best three: Your every meal should be a good balance and mix of the three main nutrients — fat, fibre, and protein. While fibre would make you feel full right away, protein would help stay full for longer, and the fat would work with the hormones to tell you when to stop eating.
  • Avoid processed and sugary foods: Processed and sugary foods take a very long time to digest and only increase blood sugar levels.
  • Choose the most healthful sources of protein: Best protein-rich foods include fish, poultry, eggs, beans, legumes, nuts, tofu, and low-fat or non-fat dairy products.
  • Follow DASH diets: Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension or DASH diets are the best way to lose weight while taking care of your heart health. The DASH diet includes two or lesser servings of protein per day, mostly poultry or fish.

Disclaimer: Tips and suggestions mentioned in the article are for general information purposes only and should not be construed as professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor or a dietician before starting any fitness programme or making any changes to your diet.

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