What If I Ate A Lot Of Avocados Every Day? It Happens To Your Body

Who does not dream that it is small slice up avocado Cocktails on toast or in shrimp becomes a whole piece? it Creamy and Nutritious Fruit Apart from the famous, one of the most popular in the world Avocado Toast The one that runs through European breakfasts is also the star of sporting events like the Super Bowl.

Though a paradise for many a freak Do it for breakfast, lunch and dinner material For someone who has conquered the world on a plate, overdoing it might not be the best idea.

Avocado has been studied for health facilitiesConsidered a jewel for a healthy diet due to its monounsaturated fat content, beneficial for healthy heartHowever, rich in fiber, vitamins and nutrients,… a little of the good stuff,

What happens if I eat too many avocados?

Given the popularity of this food, there are some consumers who are classified as ‘Ultra Avocado Buyers’ In the United States, according to 2022 data from the Hass Avocado Board (HAB).

This group spends an average of $100 per household per year (about 1,800 pesos) on this food, which is 17 times more than the median buyer.

A constant recommendation of nutritionists is not to abuse any ingredient, because the key to a healthy diet is balance, since avocados contain many nutrients, but not all of them, so you have to balance your consumption.

weight gain

eating too many avocados means a high caloric intakeAccording to an article on the specialized site eat this, not that; CIn context, An average avocado contains 322 calories“They’re more than a McDonald’s hamburger”, which is about 264 (100 grams).

In addition, avocado is not usually eaten alone, so if it is guacamole it is accompanied by potatoes and other snacks, for example, which contributes to a diet too high in calories, which is associated with the risk of obesity and other Associated diseases, such as chronic diabetes.


National Headache Foundation Sugire low tyramine diet For headache sufferers, one of the foods to consume in moderation is avocado.

According to eat this, not that“Avocados are a source of the amino acid tyrosine, which breaks down naturally in the body into tyramine” and This substance is related to migraine and headache,

digestive difficulties

expert Nicole Cefano eat this, not that That avocado contains sorbitol, which can travel to the gut and be fermented by intestinal bacteria, plus it acts as a natural laxative, which can greatly stimulate bowel movements.

But what about an excess of this substance? Experts suggest that due to the effects of sorbitol, people who have stomach discomfort or food-related bloating should consume it Moderate Your Avocado Intake, In addition, “eating too many avocados Can cause IBS flare-ups (disease of the sensitive intestine)”.


An allergic reaction can occur after eating too much avocado, with symptoms such as itching in the mouth and throat after eating too much.

Decreases the effect of some drugs

The vitamins in avocados can reduce the effect of anticoagulant drugs when consumed in excess, which can lead to the formation of harmful blood clots.

How much avocado should be eaten per day?

While the ideal is to consult an expert to find out the recommended amount in each case, experts generally suggest eat half an avocado a daySince excessive consumption can be harmful, this represents about two or three avocados a week.

Even then, eat this, not that Considers that the norm is only a third of the fruit a day.

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