
    Weekly Tarot Card Readings: Tarot prediction for June 4 to June 10, 2023 | Astrology

    ARIES (Mar 21-Apr 20)

    Love: The Empress

    Mood: Two of Swords

    Career: Nine of Cups

    Aries may welcome an eventful week. As the week begins, you may experience tremendous growth in your profession. Financial position may get a boost with sound planning. The romantic front is likely to be exciting due to a new proposal. A new fitness plan may benefit your health. Family bonding may decrease due to arguments, so watch your words. Plan a road trip to spend quality time with loved ones. It may also rejuvenate your romantic relationship. Some may become proud owners of a property very soon. You may succeed in giving your image a boost on the social front. Diligence in academics may bring positive results for some students.

    Lucky Number: 4

    Lucky Colour: Sky Blue

    TAURUS (Apr 21-May 20)

    Love: The Hermit

    Mood: Five of Coins

    Career: The Sun

    Taureans may have a very good week ahead. Your profession is likely to see significant developments very soon. You may enjoy financial abundance due to your wise planning. On the health front, it’s important to focus on your vitality to stay energetic. Family connections may need some attention, so it’s important to communicate with your loved ones to avoid misunderstandings. Your love life may face some challenges, and you need to work on rekindling the passion. Adventure travel with friends may be an excellent idea this week. Some of you may consider buying an old house and benefiting from a good deal. Some may experience significant advancement in their personal and professional life. Senior students may find that their diligence in academics bring positive results.

    Lucky Number: 17

    Lucky Colour: Yellow

    GEMINI (May 21-Jun 21)

    Love: The Star

    Mood: Seven of Cups

    Career: Two of Swords

    Gemini may have a good week ahead. Financially, you may experience wealth and progress through expert advice and timely decisions. Professionally, you may get closer to a coveted position and get more authority. On the health front, focus on strength and staying fit, as minor health issues may arise. Bonding with family may require some attention; communicate clearly to avoid misunderstandings. In terms of romance, it may not be the best time for affection, and you may need to work on improving your bond. This week may be a good time to plan a short trip and explore new places. Long-term investment in property may be a wise investment choice for some. Youngsters may see progress in various areas of life. Learning opportunities in academics may arise, and students may benefit from them.

    Lucky Number: 2

    Lucky Colour: White

    CANCER (Jun22-Jul 22)

    Love: Tower

    Mood: Wheel of Fortune

    Career: The Hanged Man

    Cancerians may have a great week ahead. Family togetherness may bring you joy, and you may have a great time bonding with your loved ones. Love may be in the air, and you may experience a renewed passion in your relationship. This week may be the perfect time for an exciting escapade, and travel may bring you immense joy. Financially, savings may come through smart investments and prudent spending. However, professionally, originality may not be your strong suit, and you may face some setbacks. On the health front, focus on your overall well-being and keep an eye on minor ailments. Some of you may receive good news about ancestral property. However, be cautious about any innovative ideas or plans as they may not bring the desired outcome. Research students may find some good opportunities to showcase their talents.

    Lucky Number: 11

    Lucky Colour: Purple

    LEO (Jul 23-Aug 23)

    Love: Justice

    Mood: Four of Cups

    Career: Two of Coins

    Leos may have an excellent week ahead financially. You may experience security and be able to make some important investments. On the health front, focus on flexibility and staying active to maintain good well-being. In terms of romance, it may be a very good time for secret signs of affection between partners. Family traditions may bring joy and a sense of togetherness. Professionally, it may be a moderate week, but a prestigious project may come your way, which may lead to future success. This week may not be the best time for travel, but investing in joint property may be a good option. Some may explore their creativity and find new and innovative solutions to problems. For research students, analytical abilities may be heightened.

    Lucky Number: 9

    Lucky Colour: Maroon

    VIRGO (Aug 24-Sept 23)

    Love: Hierophant

    Mood: The Lovers

    Career: Three of Cups

    Virgo may have a very favourable week ahead. Some may see excellent growth in their profession due to the support of subordinates. Good health and stamina will help you accomplish tasks efficiently. Romance may be fulfilling as you share a good rapport with your partner. On the financial front, moderate gains may be expected, and a side business may earn a decent profit. Family milestones may be celebrated with joy and togetherness. This week may not be the best time to invest in a new property. A learning opportunity may arise, which may bring excellent results. A holiday to a religious place may be planned with senior family members. Young students may score well in an important exam due to their analytical abilities.

    Lucky Number: 22

    Lucky Colour: Grey

    LIBRA (Sept 24-Oct 23)

    Love: Two of Wants

    Mood: The Fool

    Career: Empress

    Libras may have a favourable week. You may be promoted to a high management role or may receive support from subordinates. Family expectations may require attention, and it’s important to prioritise family time. Sound health will allow you to tackle any challenges that come your way. In the love life, compatibility may require some work, but it’s important to communicate with your partner. This week may be a good time to plan an impromptu trip to a scenic place. Possessing assets such as commercial property may be beneficial in the long run. Philanthropy may bring inner satisfaction. Expert mentoring may bring drastic improvement in the grade of some students.

    Lucky Number: 18

    Lucky Colour: Pink

    SCORPIO (Oct 24-Nov 22)

    Love: The Star

    Mood: Five of Wands

    Career: Three of Cups

    You may have a great week in your professional life. There is a possibility of a promotion or recognition for young professionals. Your family life is also looking good, with support from extended family members. Financially, you may need to be cautious and look for ways to capitalise on your investments. On the health front, you may feel low on vitality, and it’s important to take proper rest and care. Your romantic life may not be at its best, and it’s important to avoid getting carried away by infatuation. Planning a getaway with close friends could be a good idea to destress. Owning an estate or property could be a wise decision. Participating in community activities could bring a sense of satisfaction. Academic success may require focused efforts and determination from students.

    Lucky Number: 2

    Lucky Colour: Magenta

    SAGITTARIUS (Nov 23-Dec 21)

    Love: The Strength

    Mood: High Priestess

    Career: Page of Cups

    You may brim with vitality this week. Your endurance may be high, allowing you to take on challenges with ease. It’s a good time to optimise your finances and make wise investments. Senior professionals may continue to excel and receive positive assessments from superiors. Extended family members may provide support and encouragement. If you are in a committed relationship, wedding bells may be ringing soon. A short vacation may be the perfect way to unwind and recharge. Those looking for a house may sign a rent agreement very soon. While some minor issues may arise, engaging in community service can bring a sense of purpose and fulfilment. As exams approach, don’t let anxiety overwhelm you; focus on your studies and trust in your academic abilities.

    Lucky Number: 11

    Lucky Colour: Orange

    CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 21)

    Love: King of Swords

    Mood: Knights of Queen

    Career: Five of Cups

    Your stamina is at an all-time high, allowing you to tackle any challenges that come your way with ease. Your financial situation is looking very good, with opportunities for profitability in the near future. In your profession, you may thrive as a team player and achieve success in collaborative efforts. Family matters may require guidance from elders, so be open to their advice. In romance, fidelity will be rewarded, and you may experience a deeper connection with your partner. Business trips are likely to be moderate, and you may benefit from networking opportunities. Your property’s aesthetic appeal may improve, and investing in interior design could be beneficial. You may also find inner satisfaction by giving back to your community. If you are looking to pursue higher education, scholarships or grants may be available to you.

    Lucky Number: 4

    Lucky Colour: Peach

    AQUARIUS (Jan 22-Feb 19)

    Love: Ten of Wands

    Mood: King of Cups

    Career: Three of Coins

    You may welcome a robust and energetic week as your stamina is at its peak. Focus on building your savings and creating wealth to achieve financial stability. Professionally, a job change may be necessary to align with your goals. Your family relationships will be excellent, although generational differences may arise, so strive for understanding. Romance may be a little strained, but reconciliation is likely if you communicate openly. A trip could provide the perfect escape. Some of you may receive a family inheritance. Some can consider volunteering this week to improve their karma. In academics, students’ test-taking abilities may improve. Consistent study will pay off in the long run.

    Lucky Number: 3

    Lucky Colour: Brown

    PISCES (Feb 20-Mar 20)

    Love: Temperance

    Mood: The Star

    Career: Two of Wands

    You may enjoy quality time with loved ones this week. Family communication will be excellent. Your finances may be strong with budgeting and wise investments. A desirable posting may be on the horizon at work, but it will require patience and hard work. For those in love, commitment and care may deepen. Prioritise self-care and maintain a healthy lifestyle, as your energy may be moderate this week. You may consider making improvements to your home’s aesthetic appeal. Social responsibility should be a priority this week, so maybe make time for volunteering or charity work. Unfortunately, travel plans may not go as expected, and it’s best to avoid any excursions. In academics, look for learning opportunities to expand your knowledge and skills.

    Lucky Number: 8

    Lucky Colour: Green

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