Watch: Indian-origin man in Canada arrested after driving stolen SUV over police cars

A 25-year-old man of Indian descent has been charged after reportedly attempting to run over Peel police vehicles in Mississauga. The incident took place on September 3, 2024, near Westwood Mall, as officers were trying to apprehend him while he was allegedly driving a stolen vehicle, CBC Canada reported.
Peel Regional Police said the suspect, identified as Ramanpreet Singh of Brampton, tried to flee in a stolen Ford Bronco SUV after officers surrounded him at a Tim Hortons drive-thru.Police released a statement saying, “Officers located the vehicle and determined it was stolen.” “The driver attempted to flee but was taken into custody after causing damage to multiple police cruisers.”

According to the police, officers were initially called to the area following reports of a suspicious vehicle and an individual who had previously stolen from a nearby business. The situation escalated when Singh attempted to escape by driving over the police cars that had blocked his vehicle. Footage of the incident went viral on social media, showing the SUV perched atop a police cruiser.
Constable Nikhil Chakravarthy, speaking about the incident, said, “This was a dynamic situation with serious potential for harm to officers, passersby, and the suspect himself.
No serious injuries were sustained by the officers in handling the incident.
Singh was charged with multiple offenses, including “Three counts of possession of property obtained by crime,” “Flight from a peace officer,” “Dangerous operation of a vehicle,” and “Obstructing a peace officer.”
Singh is currently in custody and was scheduled to appear for a bail hearing. The investigation into the incident is ongoing.

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