Signs of ovarian cysts

The female reproductive system is subject to several health problems including endometriosis, PCOS, STDs, and even cancers. This is why it is extremely crucial for women to maintain their reproductive health amongst others. One of the most overlooked or missed reproductive conditions are ovarian cysts. While it is common, it can be asymptomatic, which is why there is a greater chance of delayed diagnosis and treatment. So let us first understand the different types of ovarian cysts.

Also read: Breast cancer or cyst? How to know what you have


Types of ovarian cysts

According to the Mayo Clinic, ovaries grow small cysts called follicles every month. These are called functional cysts, which can be of two types namely follicular cyst and corpus luteum cyst. While follicular cyst occurs when the follicle in the ovary doesn’t rupture or releases an egg. It grows until it becomes a cyst, says the health body. On the other hand, corpus luteum cyst is a harmless, fluid-filled mass that originates in the ovaries.

Other types of cysts that are unrelated to the menstrual cycle include:

Dermoid cyst: These form from the embryonic cells, which is why it may contain fetal tissues.

Cystadenomas: These develop outside the ovary and contain a type of fluid.

Endometriomas: Endometriosis refers to when cells resembling the lining of the uterus grow outside the uterus. These can lead to cysts.

Common signs to note

The Mayo Clinic says that most ovarian cysts are harmless and do not cause any symptoms. Some even go away on their own. However, when the cysts grow larger in size, they may lead to certain symptoms include:

– Pelvic pain that may come and go

– Dull ache or a sharp pain in the area below your belly-button toward one side

– Fullness, pressure or heaviness in abdomen

– Bloating

What ruptured ovarian cyst may feel like

If in case ovarian cysts rupture, it can lead to complications and may need immediate medical attention. Some of the symptoms that may arise include:

– Sudden and severe abdominal pain

– Pain with fever or vomiting

– Breathing problems

– Weakness and lightheadedness

– Cold, clammy skin

Who is at risk?

While there is no way to predict who is more prone or less prone to developing ovarian cysts, risk factors like hormonal problems, pregnancy, endometriosis, severe pelvic infection and previous cases of ovarian cyst need to be considered.

Early diagnosis is key

Given that ovarian cysts are mostly asymptomatic during the early stages of the condition, regular pelvic examination and screening can help detect it faster. You can get imaging tests such as a pelvic ultrasound. If you are diagnosed with ovarian cyst, depending on its size, your doctor will share the treatment plan ahead. However, the faster it is diagnosed, the better it is for your health.
