Bollywood lovebirds Vicky Kaushal and Katrina Kaif are celebrating their first wedding anniversary today. The duo set off for a vacation to ring into their special day amid beautiful scenic views. While fans have been flooding social media with congratulatory wishes for the couple, Vicky Kaushal left them excited as he shared some unseen photos with his lady love. Wishing his wife Katrina kaif on the anniversary, the actor said, “Time flies… but it flies in the most magical way with you my love. Happy one year of marriage to us. I love you more than you can ever imagine!”
Vicky shared unseen photos from their wedding ceremony in Rajasthan last year. He also shared some cozy photos with Katrina where they can be seen enjoying their solace in each other’s arms. Have a look-
On the other hand, Katrina also shared some adorable photos and wishes Vicky saying, “My Ray of Light…Happy One Year” In one of the pictures, the duo can be seen flaunting their infectious smiles at their wedding. Another picture gives a glimpse of their time together.
Katrina also shared a goofy video of Vicky in which he can be seen dancing while the actress can’t stop laughing from behind the camera. Have a look at it here-
Vicky Kaushal and Katrina Kaif tied the knot on December 9, 2021, after dating for a few years. Before getting married, the couple kept their relationship under wraps. However, now that they are a happy married couple, the duo has been very vocal about their relationship and life after marriage.
Speaking about D-day, Katrina Kaif and Vicky Kaushal shared the pictures from their fairytale Jodhpur wedding on December 9 on their official social media handles and it broke the internet. Sharing the breathtaking pictures, they captioned it, “Only love and gratitude in our hearts for everything that brought us to this moment . Seeking all your love and blessings as we begin this new journey together.” The posts were jammed with likes and congratulatory wishes in no time.
Katrina Kaif-Vicky Kaushal’s wedding pics will make your heart flutter
Katrina Kaif doesn’t like Vicky Kaushal sharing ‘such’ videos but he still does | Watch here