Varisu blasted off with $7.50 million plus (Rs. 62 crores) overseas in its five-day extended weekend. Combined with Rs. 102 crores in India, the worldwide box office gross stands at Rs. 164 crores through Sunday. The overseas performance is more or less similar to other Vijay films, with some markets doing better, while some a bit under.
In the first two days, the numbers did feel a bit low as the first day was affected by last-minute release date changes in most markets while Thursday being a weekday was slow. On Friday the film was back to collecting big numbers and then Saturday also posted good growth as well. The film did big numbers in Vijay’s typical strongholds of Europe whether it was the UK (highest-grossing film for the actor here in just 5 days) or France or the smaller markets like Norway, Belgium, Poland, etc. North America, Malaysia and Singapore also did well. The big underperformance came from UAE-GCC, where it had one of the lowest starts for a Vijay starrer in recent times.
The territorial breakdown for the overseas box office collections of Varisu is as follows:
North America – $1,425,000
Middle East – $1,350,000
Australia / New Zealand – $390,000
Singapore – $625,000
Malaysia – $1,200,000
Sri Lanka – $200,000
United Kingdom – $815,000
France – $450,000
Rest of Europe – $850,000
Rest of World – $250,000
Total – $7,550,000 (Rs. 62 crores)
Thunivu recorded the career-best start for Ajith overseas, with many markets emerging as his highest-grosser ever in just five days. The film grossed $4.80 million (Rs. 39 crores) approx in the first five days, which gives it a worldwide total of Rs. 117 crores. The film has crossed full run numbers of Ajith’s previous release Valimai over the weekend and will soon become his highest-grosser ever internationally.
The territorial breakdown for the overseas box office collections of Thunivu is as follows:
North America – $1,000,000
Middle East – $1,075,000
Australia / New Zealand – $190,000
Singapore – $515,000
Malaysia – $925,000
Sri Lanka – $110,000
United Kingdom – $300,000
France – $220,000
Rest of Europe – $350,000
Rest of World – $100,000
Total – $4,785,000 (Rs. 39 crores)