Delhi News Live Updates (January 2, 2023): Union Home Minister Amit Shah has directed the Delhi Police Commissioner Sanjay Arora to submit fact finding enquiry in connection with the death of 20-year-old Anjali Singh in Kanjhawala. Special CP Shalini Singh has been asked to conduct enquiry after forming a team.
A Delhi court on Monday remanded the five accused arrested in the Kanjhawala case for causing the woman’s death in police custody for three days. A detailed order from the court is awaited. Meanwhile, the autopsy on the victim’s body will be conducted at the Maulana Azad Medical College by a medical board.;
An accused in the case, where a 20-year-old woman was killed after her scooter was hit by a car, and she was dragged by the vehicle for almost 4 km — from Sultanpuri to Kanjhawala — has been identified as a BJP leader. The incident took place in the early hours of Sunday. Police said the body was found almost an hour later.
Addressing the media over the shocking incident in Sultanpuri, AAP’s chief spokesperson Saurabh Bhardwaj said that Manoj Mittal, one of the five accused arrested in the case, is a BJP member, and accused Lieutenant Governor Vinai Kumar Saxena and senior Delhi Police officials of deliberately concealing this information.
The victim, Anjali Singh, was an event organiser and returning from work at the time. There were five men in the car, who have been arrested. “What happened to our sister in Kanjhawala is very shameful. I hope that the culprits will be punished severely,” Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal stated on Twitter. Protests erupted on Monday outside Sultanpuri police station following the death of the 20-year-old in the national capital.