NEW DELHI: TMC MP Mahua Moitra on Wednesday took to X and called out quick commerce platform Swiggy for delivering spoilt ice cream. The Krishnanagar MP demanded a refund or a replacement of her order.
“Sorry @Swiggy -you’ve got to up your game. Unacceptable that I ordered expensive Minus Thirty mini sticks ice cream & it arrives spoilt and inedible.
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Expecting a refund or replacement asap,” the TMC leader posted on X.
Swiggy was quick to respond and asked for the order number to resolved the issue. “Hi Mahua, sorry to know that you are facing an issue with your order. Please share the order number. We will look into it,” Swiggy replied to Mahua’s complaint.
Meanwhile, the post sparked a debate on the unsatisfactory service by Swiggy and Zomato in replies.