UK Police Sign Bring Embarrassment to Indian Community


UK Police Sign Bring Embarrassment to Indian Community

If you’re an Indian you are familiar with the “Do not spit” sign at public places. And most of the time you would also see people completely ignoring it. Well, it is this casual attitude that has put the whole community in deep shame when a similar sign was seen on the streets of Leicester, UK.

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A social media post has gone around showing a poster issued by the Leicestershire Police that read, “Spitting paan on the street is unhygienic and anti-social. You could be fined £150.” And what is even more embarrassing is that the sign is not just in English but also written in Gujarati! So there is no doubt about which community it is targeted to. After all, Gujaratis are the largest ethnic subgroup of Indians living in Britain.

Indians’ love for paan isn’t new, and so is their habit of spitting it anywhere. You see those red stains everywhere in India– on walls, roads, train tracks and even in historical places. This sign in the UK is not only shameful for the British Indians but all Indians who feel second-hand embarrassment for it.

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However, it highlights the deep-rooted problem in our society. Why does it always have to come to this? What steps do we take to have clean public places in our country? It is the same culture and practices that we indulge in here that people carry abroad as well. And by that time it has become a habit that is hard to let go. These fines are hardly imposed in India, but you would think that the UK police would take this offence more seriously.

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