Actor Vishal’s long-time pending project Madha Gaja Raja, directed by Sundar C, is finally going to release on January 12th as a Pongal special. As still only a few days were left for the release, the Madha Gaja Raja team is now promoting their movie by conducting events and giving interviews to popular YouTube channels.
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Yesterday, a grand pre-release event of Madha Gaja Raja was held in Chennai, in which the music composer of this movie, Vijay Antony, Sundar C, and actor Vishal participated.
Actor Vishal, in the event, looked more tired, and during his speech, his hands were shivering, and he wasn’t able to even hold the mic.
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The video of his speech went viral, and fans were shocked by the actor’s health conditions. In the event itself, the anchor of the show clarified that Vishal, despite his high viral fever, had attended the event.
Although many were saying it was just a high viral fever, some people on social media were spreading rumours that he was an alcoholic, and that’s why now his body condition is too worse.
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Let us hope Vishal will get well soon and will make a massive comeback with the pumped-up action sequences in his movies.