It has been three years since coronavirus was first detected. Though the severity of the infection is much less today, the worry about the virus is still a reality due to its changing pattern. One of the biggest concerns even today is identifying the symptoms of COVID.
For example, loss of smell and taste, fever, body aches that emerged as the top symptoms initially for the infection are no longer common. More and more people sarted reporting symptoms like sore throat, a runny nose, a blocked nose when Omicron arrived. And now a new study by ZOE COVID tracker added more symptoms to their list.
ZOE Healthy Study has keenly observed the symptoms of the COVID from the initial phase and has been updating its list since then.
According to the latest data from the ZOE Health Study, the top 10 COVID symptoms include:
- sore throat
- runny nose
- blocked nose
- sneezing
- cough without phlegm
- headache
- cough with phlegm
- hoarse voice
- muscle aches and pains
- an altered sense of smell
Explaining the kind of symptoms the patients are reporting these days, ZOE heath study said, the previous “traditional” symptoms, such as loss of smell (anosmia), shortness of breath, and a fever, are much less common these days.
In the list of common symptoms, anosmia ranks 14th, and shortness of breath ranks 16th. Anosmia used to be a key indicator of COVID-19, but only about 16% of people with the illness now experience it.
Meanwhile, WHO has alerted recently that even though the severity of the infection is considerably low right now, COVID is not over yet.
WHO chief chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus pointed out, gaps in surveillance, testing, sequencing and vaccination are continuing to create the perfect conditions for a new variant of concern to emerge that could cause significant mortality.
“Gaps in surveillance, testing, sequencing and vaccination are continuing to create the perfect conditions for a new variant of concern to emerge that could cause significant mortality.”
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