It’s been about six months since the election results in Andhra Pradesh. People have crushed the YSR Congress from 151 seats to just eleven due to bad governance and arrogance.
Even after these many days, Jagan seems to be struggling to come to terms with the reality of the defeat.
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We have seen him blaming the EVMs and it is the same even now.
Today is the 75th Constitution Day and Jagan posted a long message on X demanding that we go back to Ballot Paper Voting.
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“Widespread concern across the nation about the functioning of EVMs prompts us to question the veracity of EVMs and to ask ourselves why we should not go to the polls with ballot papers as is the practice in a majority of countries across the world,” Jagan wrote.
The Widespread concern across the nation should not be about imaginary tampering of EVMs. The real concern should be about misgovernance. Leaving administration and public infrastructure to dogs and prioritizing the dolls should be the real concern.
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Misusing Public exchequer for Personal Luxuries like 500 Crore Palace with 36 Lakh Rupees Bathtub, 12 Lakh Rupees Commodes, etc should be the real concern.
Behaving as monarch while in power, rulers locking themselves in palaces, traveling with green mats on either side of the roads, etc should be the real concern.
Shaming the state and the nation by getting mentioned in Indictments by the US Justice Department should be the real concern.
While these should be the real concerns of the people, the real concern of the YSR Congress should be Jagan’s mindset.
The problem behind not accepting the defeat stems from the mindset that Jagan and his followers believed he was a constant. They believed he would be in power forever. The cornerstone of Democracy is not electing public representatives like how Jagan said.
The cornerstone of Democracy is the elections and the public’s power to change government.
By making repeated allegations about the EVMs, Jagan is announcing that he does not believe in democracy or the people’s mandate.
It is good for YSR Congress if Jagan wakes up at least now and it is good for the people if he does not.