The last update of 2022 for Telegram is here, which makes the instant messaging platform even more practical to use. Along with a few bug fixes, the latest edition of Telegram also introduces new features and capabilities such as zero storage usage, new drawing tools, and an option to change profile photos for contacts.
Users can now download the latest edition of Telegram from Apple App Store. Here is an overview of all the major features that Telegram has introduced for iPhone users. Telegram has also added features like hiding group members, and new animated and interactive emojis.
Hidden media
You can now send hidden media on Telegram. Users can choose to share an image or video with a shimmering layer, that automatically disappears as soon as the receiver opens the media. This is a welcome feature who wants to send a media as a surprise to a friend or a family member.
To send hidden media on Telegram, go to the attachment menu, select one or more media and click on Hide With Spoiler to add a shimmering layer to your photo on Telegram chat.
Zero storage user
This is a great feature for those who use Telegram with limited internal storage on their phone. This feature will store all the photos and videos on the Telegram cloud, which can be downloaded whenever required. Users can now select cache size (how much storage Telegram can use) and when to delete cache media (one day, a week, or a month), which will automatically free up the internal storage.
New drawing tools
Telegram has also gotten new drawing tools, which include a blur tool, an option to add text to images, and users can also add custom emojis to pictures.
New profile picture options
You can now set a custom profile picture for individual contacts, which will only be visible to you. Similarly, you can also set a public profile picture, which will be visible to everyone else.