Actor Akshay Kumar, for the first time ever, gave his fans a tour inside his Mumbai home. Taking to Instagram on Thursday, Akshay posted a video speaking about his soon-to-be-launched apparel brand. In the clip, the actor wore a blue sweatshirt and matching pants and white sneakers. (Also Read | Akshay Kumar unveils his look as Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj in Mahesh Manjrekar’s Vedat Marathe Veer Daudle Saat. Watch)
The video started with Akshay walking near his garden as greenery and a huge statue surrounded him. At the entrance of the door, a statue of Lord Ganesha was kept in the corner. The actor said, “This is my first interview that is happening in my house. I have never given an interview at home.”
The living room was adorned with several wall paintings and statues. Several green and golden-coloured couches were placed in the centre of the room. A huge colourful art piece was kept near one of the sofas. The glass centre table had several art pieces and a vase on it. A table was also seen at the end of the room near a glass wall which overlooked the garden on the other side.
As he spoke about his brand, Akshay walked into a room next to the hall. A bed stood in the centre of the room next to a glass wall. Several mauve, green and cream-coloured cushions were kept on the bed. The glass pane had green curtains drawn across it. The brightly-lit room also has a mirror wardrobe with golden borders. Several outfits hung on a rack near it.
Talking about the name behind his brand, FORCE IX, he said, “My father was in the armed forces, so I have a soft corner for them. The number 9 is my birthday and my lucky number. The number nine signifies warrior. So I mixed it together.”
Akshay is married to former actor, author Twinkle Khanna. They tied the knot on January 17, 2001. They are parents to son Aarav Bhatia and daughter Nitara Bhatia.
Fans will see Akshay as Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj in Mahesh Manjrekar’s upcoming film Vedat Marathe Veer Daudle Saat. This will mark Akshay’s Marathi debut film. Vedat Marathe Veer Daudle Saat, produced by Vaseem Qureshi, is set to be released in cinemas on Diwali 2023 in Marathi, Hindi, Tamil, and Telugu.
Akshay will be next seen in an upcoming entertainer film Selfiee along with Emraan Hashmi and Diana Penty. He also has Aanand L Rai’s next Gorkha. He was recently seen in an action-adventure film Ram Setu alongside Jacqueline Fernandez which got decent responses at the box office.