Foreign minister S Jaishankar said he’s monitoring the welfare of Indian students in Bishkek.”Situation is reportedly calm now. Advise students to stay in touch with the Embassy,” he said in a post on X.
No Indian student was reported injured in the clashes which erupted apparently after a confrontation between Egyptian and local students. South Asians, including Indian and Pakistani students, were targeted too by local people later.
Kyrgyz foreign ministry said in a statement later in the day that the situation in the capital of Bishkek was calm and “under full control, and all necessary measures have been taken to ensure security, maintain peace and stability”.
“Therefore, ministry asks representatives of mass media, blogger community, and foreign colleagues to be guided only by the official and confirmed information of the competent bodies of Kyrgyz Republic,” it added.
Police in riot gear were deployed in several parts of the Kyrgyzstan capital as large crowds gathered in anger over an alleged fight between local and foreign people, The Times of Central Asia reported. The incident appeared to reflect tension over the presence of migrants, many from South Asia, in Kyrgyzstan, it said.
Kyrgyz foreign ministry accused “destructive forces” of deliberately disseminating untrue and false information about the situation in the Kyrgyz Republic in foreign mass media and social networks, “especially in the territory of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan”.