Two passengers were deplaned from a Hyderabad-bound SpiceJet flight for alleged “unruly behaviour” and handed over to the security team at the Delhi airport on Monday. The incident took place onboard a SpiceJet wet-leased Corendon aircraft that was scheduled to operate SG-8133 flight from Delhi to Hyderabad.
In a video of the incident, shared by news agency ANI, a man was seen arguing and misbehaving with a woman flight attendant.
The passenger allegedly behaved inappropriately with one of the female crew members. “She is literally crying,” the attendant was heard telling the passenger in question, in the video.
ANI, citing the crew, reported a passenger had allegedly touched one of the crew members inappropriately. Fellow passengers claimed that it was an accident due to the confined area on the flight.
The passenger later gave a written apology, but he was offloaded to avoid any further conflicts.
“During boarding at Delhi, one passenger behaved in an unruly and inappropriate manner, harassing and causing disturbance to cabin crew. The crew informed PIC and security staff of the same. The said passenger and a co-passenger, who were travelling together, were offloaded and handed over to the security team,” a statement by the airline’s spokesperson read.
Meanwhile, the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) said it is looking into the matter and will take appropriate action, news agency PTI.
Earlier this month, Air India received a show-cause notice by the DGCA over two incidents of passenger misbehaviour – including the infamous urination incident. One passenger was caught smoking in the toilet, was drunk and not listening to the crew. Another passenger allegedly relieved himself on a vacant seat and blanket of a fellow female passenger when she went to the lavatory.
The show cause notice said why enforcement action “should not be taken against them for dereliction of their regulatory obligations”.