Chidambaram, the highly acclaimed Malayalam filmmaker, known for his excellent work in films like ‘Jan. E. Man’ and ‘Manjummel Boys’, is all set to make his Bollywood debut with an upcoming gangster drama being produced by Phantom Studios.
The director, who started his career in 2021, came under the limelight after his film ‘Manjummel Boys’, released in February, became the biggest hit in Malayalam Cinema in 2024.
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The film was held in high regard upon its release in Telugu and Hindi, with the Telugu version especially connecting well with the local audience.
Its release on ‘Disney+ Hotstar’ was also very well received, turning it into a dual success story, both in terms of theatre and OTT.
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Naturally, this massive success of his film has led to widespread pan-India demand for the filmmaker, who seems to have now moved on to Bollywood.
Social media has been very excited over Chidambaram’s arrival in Bollywood, hoping for him to recreate his magic once again, this time for the Hindi cinema.
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But hope doesn’t come alone for the audience, it brings fear with it.
At a time when many filmmakers like Anurag Kashyap are planning their move to the South, blaming Bollywood for being profit-driven, the arrival of a filmmaker from the South raises major questions about the kind of creative liberties he will get from Bollywood.
This concern is visible on Social Media as well. One user wrote, “Bollywood losing directors like Anurag Kashyap to its greed, but welcoming talents like Chidambaram. The industry is such a paradox!”
Another commented, “Malayalam cinema is known for its authentic stories. I hope Bollywood doesn’t force Chidambaram to prioritize profit over substance like it does with many others!”
It will be interesting to see whether Chidambaram will get his own creative liberty, or will be forced to bend to the will of profit-driven corporates.