Neena Gupta’s daughter and fashion designer, Masaba Gupta, married her actor-beau Satyadeep Misra on the morning of January 27 in an intimate wedding ceremony. Masaba’s father, Sir Vivian Richards, was also present at the wedding. After making a surprise announcement about her wedding, Masaba recently dropped some more pictures from the wedding ceremony. She shared a family picture featuring her father, former West Indies cricketer Sir Vivian Richards, mother Neena Gupta, and stepfather Vivek Mehra in one frame. Sharing this picture, Masaba penned a beautiful caption which read, ‘For the first time ever – My whole life came together. This is us. My beautiful blended family. Everything from here on is just a bonus.’ Neena Gupta also shared the same picture with the caption, ‘Beti, naya beta, bete ki ma, bete ki behen, beti ka pita, main aur mera pati.’ For more news and updates, stay tuned to ETimes.
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