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19 May 2024
Dehydration happens when your body doesn’t have as much fluid as it needs. This results in an imbalance in electrolytes and bodily functions
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Dehydration can negatively affect many aspects of health and even be life threatening in severe cases
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How can you tell if you’re dehydrated? Start by checking the colour of your urine. Clear or pale yellow urine usually means you’re drinking enough water
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However, if your urine is dark yellow or amber, then it’s time to drink more water
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If you are feeling thirsty or have dry mouth take it as a sign you need to drink some water
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Lack of skin elasticity, dry skin and appearance of sunken eyes are also signs of dehydration
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If your body stops sweating while you’re working out or is no longer able to produce tears, it’s a sign you are dehydrated
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Not drinking enough water can lead to severe headaches. One of the symptoms of these headaches is nausea and vomiting
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Symptoms like lightheadedness, fatigue, muscle cramps, confusion, and general weakness are indications that the body is failing to compensate for dehydration
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You can usually manage your mild dehydration by increasing your fluid intake. However, severe dehydration should be treated by a healthcare professional
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