Shankar is currently awaiting the release of his next pan-Indian movie with Ram Charan, titled Game Changer. The film is scheduled for a worldwide theatrical release on January 10, 2025, as a Pongal special.
As per strong buzz, after completing Game Changer, Shankar plans to reshoot certain portions of Indian 3. Once Indian 3 is released, he is expected to begin his dream project, Vel Pari.
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In a recent interview, Shankar revealed that the script work for Vel Pari is already complete. He mentioned that whenever he comes across someone with an impressive physique, he notes their name for potential casting in the film.
Additionally, industry reports suggest that Shankar is considering casting Suriya as the lead for Vel Pari. The project requires a massive budget, and production will commence once a producer finalizes the financial backing.
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On another note, Shankar’s previous film, Indian 2, was a significant failure due to its high budget, which resulted in substantial losses for Lyca Productions.
If Game Changer and Indian 3 turn out to be successful and profitable ventures for their respective production houses, Shankar will likely have the opportunity to launch Vel Pari by next year.
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