Shah Rukh Khan’s new release Pathaan made history on its second day at the box office, setting another record with earnings of Rs 68 crore. This sum, reported by trade analyst Taran Adarsh, is the total collected by the Hindi version of the film in ticket sales at home. On Day 2, which was yesterday, Pathaan made nearly Rs 70 crore – the first Hindi film to approach this number in a single day’s takings. Added to the Rs 55 crore earned on its opening day, Pathaan‘s India business now totals Rs 123 crore. The Tamil and Telugu dubs added another Rs 4.5 crore over two days. The worldwide ticket sales for two days add up to over Rs 200 crore.
Taran Adarsh tweeted: “All BO records demolished. Pathaan creates history on Day 2 as well. First Hindi film to near Rs 70 crore on a single day. Wed 55 cr, Th 68 cr (Republic Day). Total: Rs 123 cr. Hindi version. India biz. Unimaginable. Unprecedented. Unstoppable.” He reported the Tamil and Telugu numbers in a second tweet.
See Taran Adarsh’s tweets here:
ALL #BO RECORDS DEMOLISHED… #Pathaan creates HISTORY on Day 2 as well… FIRST #Hindi film to near ₹ 70 cr on a *single day*… Wed 55 cr, Thu 68 cr [#RepublicDay]. Total: ₹ 123 cr. #Hindi version. #India biz. UNIMAGINABLE. UNPRECEDENTED. UNSTOPPABLE.
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) January 27, 2023
#Pathaan#Tamil + #Telugu: Wed 2 cr, Thu 2.50 cr. Total: ₹ 4.50 cr.
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) January 27, 2023
Pathaan‘s first day collections of Rs 55 crore broke the record set by the Hindi version of KGF: Chapter 2 – Shah Rukh Khan’s film is Bollywood’s biggest opener. With overseas earnings added, Pathaan made its 100 crores on Day 1 itself – Rs 106 crore worldwide, to be precise.
‘PATHAAN’: ₹ 106 CR *GROSS* ON DAY 1 WORLDWIDE… #Pathaan demolishes #Worldwide opening day records for #Hindi films… #India + #Overseas *Gross* BOC on *Day 1* is ₹ 106 cr. PHENOMENAL.
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) January 26, 2023
The film hit a second century on Day 2 with worldwide earnings at over Rs 219 crore.
‘PATHAAN’: ₹ 219.60 CR WORLDWIDE *GROSS* IN 2 DAYS… #Pathaan#India + #Overseas *Gross* BOC…
⭐️ Day 1: ₹ 106 cr
⭐️ Day 2: ₹ 113.60 cr
⭐️ Worldwide *GROSS* Total: ₹ 219.60 cr
🔥🔥🔥— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) January 27, 2023
Several other firsts have piled up as well – Pathaan opened in 8,000 screens worldwide, the highest for any Hindi film; 300 shows were added by exhibitors after the very first screening. Pathaan sold about 5.5 lakh tickets in advance bookings, second only to the Hindi dub of KGF: Chapter 2 in terms of Hindi films.
Pathaan, Shah Rukh Khan’s first lead role since 2018’s Zero, is an action thriller set in Yash Raj Films’ spy universe. Directed by Siddharth Anand, Pathaan stars SRK in the title role of a RAW agent who teams p with Deepika Padukone’s ISI agent to tackle a terror threat from the villainous Jim, played by John Abraham.
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