Actor Shah Rukh Khan surprised his fans gathered outside Mannat on Sunday as he stepped out of his Mumbai home. This is the actor’s first public appearance after the release of his film Pathaan. In a video shared by a paparazzi account on Instagram on Sunday, the actor stood on the balcony at Mannat and greeted his fans. (Also Read | Deepika Padukone visits Gaiety Galaxy theatre in incognito mode, hides face to avoid fans days after Pathaan release)
In the video, Shah Rukh blew kisses to the huge crowd outside Mannat. The actor also folded his hands, smiled, and mouthed ‘thank you’ many times as he looked at the fans cheering for him. The actor also waved at his fans and flashed the thumbs-up sign. Shah Rukh was dressed in a black sweatshirt, matching pants and shoes.
Shah Rukh’s youngest child, son AbRam Khan also greeted the people outside Mannat. Dressed in a black and white outfit, he stood near the balcony and waved at the crowd, seemingly a few minutes before Shah Rukh appeared for his fans. This was Shah Rukh’s second appearance at Mannat’s balcony within a week.
Last week, he greeted his fans ahead of Pathaan’s release. He also posted a video on Twitter and wrote, “Thank you for a lovely Sunday evening… sorry but I hope ki laal gaadi waalon ne apni kursi ki peti baandh li thhi (those in the police cars had put on their seat belts). Book your tickets to #Pathaan and I will see you there next…”
Shah Rukh’s latest release Pathaan has been breaking records at the box office ever since its release last week. On Sunday, Pathaan crossed ₹400 crore gross globally. The film made ₹313 crore at the global box office within three days of its release. Pathaan also became the fastest movie to hit ₹250 crore in India.
Helmed by Siddharth Anand, Pathaan also stars Deepika Padukone and John Abraham in the lead roles. Actor Salman Khan has a cameo appearance in the film as Tiger. Dimple Kapadia and Ashutosh Rana also have pivotal roles in the action spy film. The film released in theatres on January 25. Pathaan is part of Aditya Chopra’s spy universe.
Shah Rukh has several films in the pipeline including director Rajkumar Hirani’s upcoming film Dunki opposite Taapsee Pannu. Fans will also see him in filmmaker Atlee’s action thriller Jawan. The film also features Nayanthara and Vijay Sethupathi.