After the legendary actress Jamuna garu, Tollywood lost another senior film personality. Vidya Sagar Reddy, simply known as Sagar, is a senior director in Telugu Film Industry. The filmmaker breathed his last this morning at 05:20 AM today in a private hospital in Chennai. He was 70.

The director was suffering from age-related health issues. Born in Guntur in 1952, Sagar worked as an editor and assistant director for many movies when he entered the industry. He wielded the megaphone for the first time for Rakasi Loya, released in 1983.

Stuvartupuram Dongalu (1991) made him a famous director. The film also won 3 Nandi Awards. His notable works include Amma Donga, Anveshana and Osi Na Maradala. Khaidi Brothers (2002) is his last movie.

Many celebrities mourned the death of the senior director. The last rites will be performed in Chennai this evening. We at 123telugu express our deepest condolences to the family of the late filmmaker.

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