Second Attempted Murder on Trump



A few weeks ago, there was an assassination attempt on Donald Trump. A bullet was shot near his ear, but Trump raised his fist in the air, creating a moment that will be remembered in American political history.

This time, Trump wasn’t hit, but what seems to be another assassination attempt happened after shots were fired at his golf course in Florida, according to the FBI.

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The shooting took place at the International Golf Club in West Palm Beach, where Trump was playing golf. The shooter, identified as 58-year-old Ryan Wesley Routh, was arrested.

As expected, Trump used this for his political campaign and wrote:

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“There were gunshots near me, but before rumors get out of hand, I want you to know this first: I AM SAFE AND WELL! Nothing will slow me down. I will NEVER SURRENDER! Thank you for your support, I will always love you.

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