Redmi Note 12 Pro+ Launch Date in India: The launch date of Redmi Note 12 Pro Plus has been confirmed in India. The company is all set to launch the Redmi Note 12 Pro+ 5G phone in India on 5 January 2023.
According to several media reports, Redmi Note 12 and Redmi Note 12 Pro will also be launched in the same launch event. However, the company has not confirmed it yet.
Redmi Note 12 Pro+ is a successor to the Redmi Note 11 Pro+. As per the official teaser, the 5G smartphone will be equipped with a 200MP primary camera and is the top-end variant in the Redmi Note 12 series.
Let us read about the features, specs, price, and other important details about the upcoming Redmi Note 12 Pro+.