Actress Rashmika Mandanna was recently seen alongside Kollywood superstar Vijay in the Pongal blockbuster, Varisu. However, Rashmika’s role in the movie was very limited, leaving her fans disappointed. But the actress seems to have no complaints at all and is quite happy with it.

In a latest interview while promoting her second Bollywood movie, Mission Majnu, Rashmika revealed that she knew that her character in Varisu didn’t have much scope for performance. “I knew my character didn’t have much to do. But it was a conscious decision that I made as I wanted to be part of Vijay sir movie. During the shoot, I went to Vijay sir and told him that I have just two songs and four scenes and I’m going to kill it,” said the young actress.

Rashmika went on to add that she is not limiting herself to just meaty roles or women-centric roles and is open to doing commerical films too.

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