A video showing actor Ranbir Kapoor throwing away the phone of a fan who was trying to click a selfie with him is going viral on social media. In the video, the actor is seen smiling and posing with the young fan who has a mobile phone in his hand. The man is seen trying several times to click the perfect selfie, but all his attempts fail. This makes Ranbir Kapoor angry who asks for the man’s phone and tosses it away.
The fan can be heard pleading with the actor, but he walks away.
Watch the video:
Shocking 😱 Ranbir Kapoor THROWS Fan’s Phone for annoying him for a Selfie.#RanbirKapoorpic.twitter.com/dPEymejxRv
— $@M (@SAMTHEBESTEST_) January 27, 2023
The video has amassed thousands of views, but the viewers are claiming that the clip looks like a promotional campaign for a phone brand.
“It’s AD don’t mislead people,” commented one user. “He wants to get him a better phone!!” commented another.
The 16-second video has appeared on several social media platforms and shared by several fans of Ranbir Kapoor.
This is not the first time that such a video has taken internet by surprise. Last month, actor Anushka Sharma posted a video slamming athleisure brand Puma for using her photos without her permission. The brand replied to Anushka, and asked her to be their brand ambassador.
In actor then posted a follow-up video, telling her followers that she is considering the proposal. “Its like being stuck at the same job as Virat” (husband Virat Kohli). “Wait, will I have to wear sports bras all day?” The actress is seen speaking to herself. She signed off the video saying: “They own our family now.”
In November, Malaika Arora stunned fans with a cryptic post, which she captioned: “I said yes”. As the buzz began around her post, the model-actor revealed the thing that she actually said yes to – a new reality show titled Moving In With Malaika, which started streaming on Disney+Hotstar from December 5.
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