Filmmaker Ram Gopal Varma, known for delivering hits like ‘Rangeela’, ‘Satya’ and ‘Sarkar’, recently posted a picture of him sitting at the feet of social media sensation Ashu Reddy and it went viral in no time. Teasing the timing of the release of his full interview, he captioned the picture, ‘The DANGEROUS me with the DOUBLE DANGEROUS ASHU REDDY’. This was followed by a couple of more pictures and a video posts, which featured RGV touching and kissing Ashu’s feet. This irked the netizens, who started trolling the filmmaker and left comments like, ‘Omg..what has happened to you?? Have you started making adult movies!!’, ‘Shameless for a Reason… why this society will go wrong…bcoz of dis type of activities only’ and ‘Sometimes i really feel bad for RGV, once he was one of the top director of Indian cinema… All industry top heroes wanted to work with him…….& now’. For more news and updates stay tuned to ETimes.
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