Actor Allu Arjun appeared before the Chikkadpally police on Sunday (January 5, 2025) in connection with the ongoing investigation of the Sandhya 70 MM theatre stampede case, which claimed the life of a woman and left her son hospitalised during the benefit show of Pushpa 2 on December 4.
At aound 10.30 a.m. on Sunday (January 5, 2025), the actor made his entry into the police station and completed the formalities. Anticipating a large crowd, the Chikkadpally police made elaborate security arrangements. A significant number of officials from the Central Zone of Hyderabad police were deployed for bandobast and barricades were placed across the lanes and bylanes connecting the police station to keep curious onlookers at a distance.
The Nampally court on Friday (January 3, 2025) granted conditional bail to the actor, asking him to appear before the Chikkadpally Station House Officer (SHO) every Sunday for two months or until the charge sheet is filed.
The actor was arrested on December 13, 2024 after a case of culpable homicide not amounting to murder was booked against him.
Published – January 05, 2025 12:57 pm IST