The Telugu film RRR‘s historic win at the Golden Globes on Wednesday had most of the Indian film industry cheering with excitement. However, there was a section of naysayers online, who voiced their displeasure at the film’s win, saying the song Naatu Naatu was too average to win Best Original Song. Pooja Bhatt came to the film’s defence as she stated in a quote that some people can’t stand others’ happiness. She has previously worked with composer MM Keeravaani on his earlier projects. (Also read: Here’s how SS Rajamouli, Ram Charan, Jr NTR jumped with joy at RRR win. Watch)
Writer Anirudha Guha had taken to Twitter to state, “Everyone who’s like, ‘but Naatu Naatu so ordinary’, ‘but RRR was so average’, ‘ewww that accent hehehe’ – kya dukh paal rahe ho bachpan se ke kissi ki khushi dekhi nahi jaati (what sorrows are you holding on since childhood that you can’t see the happiness of others)?” The actor responded to his tweet by defending the film and quote tweeted, “Insaan ki fitrat hai ke woh apna dukh jhel leta hai par doosron ka sukh bardaashth nahin kar sakta (It is human nature to bear one’s own sorrow and not be able to bear the happiness of others)(folding hands emojis).”
On Wednesday, Pooja had also tweeted after Keeravaani’s win in Los Angeles, “Privileged that five of these musical gems are from films produced by moi. Music made from the heart reaches the heart. (folded hands and heart emojis).” The composer and Pooja have collaborated together on the Hindi projects Zakhm (1998), Jism (2003), Rog (2005) and Dhokha (2007).
The composer also took to Twitter afterwards and wrote, “Overwhelmed by the response from all over for the Golden Globe (happy face emoji) Thank You for all your wishes (folded hands emoji).” Keeravaani accepted the award on stage at The Beverly Hilton Hotel. He beat out singers Taylor Swift, Lady Gaga, and Rihanna in the category. Later, Rihanna personally congratulated the RRR team as she walked by their table after the awards were announced.
Pooja’s younger sister Alia Bhatt is part of the SS Rajamouli film. She plays Sita, the fiancée of Ram Charan’s character in the film. RRR also stars Jr NTR, Ajay Devgn, Shriya Saran, Samuthirakani, Ray Stevenson, Alison Doody and Olivia Morris.
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