November 11 was a special day for the makers of Drishyam 2 as the film earned over Rs 150 crores at the box office globally. Some news reports suggest that the film is likely to enter the Rs 200-crore club if the stability in the growth continues. Starring national award-winning actor Ajay Devgn in the lead role, the film also stars Shriya Saran, Ishita Dutta, Tabu, Akshaye Khanna, Rajat Kapoor, and others in key roles. The film hit the theatres on November 18 and earned over Rs 15 crores on the first day of its release at theatres.
Drishyam 2 success bash PICS: Ajay Devgn, Anand Pandit, Ishita Dutta and more attend
To celebrate this achievement, Bollywood actors Ajay Devgn, Ishita Dutta, Mrunal Jadhav, and others were papped in style. Filmmaker Anand Pandit was also spotted in attendance. Actor Shriya Saran looked comfortable in a white dress.
Ajay Devgn donned his all-black attire. Actor Ishita Dutta arrived in a sparkling silvery dress along with her husband Vatsal Sheth. Drishyam 2 actor, Mrunal Jadhav, best known for essaying the role of Anu Salgaonkar in the film, also arrived in style. Director Abhishek Pathak was also papped at the venue in Mumbai where the bash is taking place at the moment.
Have a look at the pictures here!