Shah Rukh Khan on Sunday made a stunning appearance from the top of Mannat, his official residence to greet thousands of his fans as Pathaan frenzy gripped the nation. Shah Rukh’s decision to greet his fans came on a day Pathaan day 5 box office collection revealed how the film, which also features Deepika Padukone and John Abraham, had crossed Rs. 500 crore globally. The film also became the fastest to reach Rs. 250 crore, beating the previous records held by KGF 2, Bahubali 2 and Dangal among others.
Sharing a video of himself, Shah Rukh wrote on Twitter, “Mehmaan Nawaazi Pathaan ke ghar par… Thank u all my Mehmaans for making my Sunday so full of love. Grateful. Happy. Loved.”
Shah Rukh clearly borrowed the line on mehmaan nawaazi from his latest blockbuster. The original dialogue shows Shah Rukh deliver this line; ‘Party Pathaan ke ghar rakhoge toh mehmaan-nawazi ke liye Pathaan toh aayega.”
While fans reacted overwhelmingly to the video shared by Shah Rukh, one user contacted the Mumbai seeking action against Shah Rukh fans for blocking the road. The Mumbai Police responded by asking the complainant to furnish more details about his complaint.
Meanwhile, Bollywood trade analyst Taran Adarsh tweeted how Pathaan had broken the previous records held by some of the biggest blockbusters from recent times to become the fastest Bollywood film to reach Rs. 250 crore business in India.
⭐️ #Pathaan: Will cross ₹ 250 cr today [Day 5]
⭐️ #KGF2 #Hindi: Day 7
⭐️ #Baahubali2 #Hindi: Day 8
⭐️ #Dangal: Day 10
⭐️ #Sanju: Day 10
⭐️ #TigerZindaHai: Day 10.”
The film was released on Wednesday and has earned more than Rs. 500 crore within five days of its release. The success of the film has also come as a slap to the members of the boycott gang, supported by powerful BJP leaders in India.