Friday was the third day at the box office for Pathaan and the Shah Rukh Khan-Deepika Padukone film is estimated to have earned ₹30 crore on the third day. Friday is also the first working day since the film’s release. Directed by Siddharth Anand, the film also features John Abraham, Dimple Kapadia and Ashutosh Rana. (Also read: After Pathaan success, Siddharth Anand says ‘for me, numbers do matter’)
Film trade analyst Atul Mohan said Pathaan may have earned another ₹30 crore on the third day. “Morning and noon shows on Friday were a little slow but post 5pm, the shows were healthy. A big movie, Dangal, for example, earned ₹22 crore on first Monday (first working day since release) and it went on to earn ₹400 crore. Now, I think Saturday (for Pathaan collection) will be around ₹40 crore and it will be ₹50 crore for Sunday. It will be phenomenal.”
Film exhibitor Akshaye Rathi put the numbers at “anything upwards of ₹25 crore”. It is an amazing number for the first working day since the release. “Pathaan had the greatest opening ever for a Hindi film. It is the result of the aggressive programming, slightly premium pricing, and the huge hysteria for Shah Rukh Khan returning to the screen after so many years. Pathaan will definitely be among the top ten highest-ever grossing Hindi films of all time.”
He also credited the packaging of the film and its trailer, adding that the domestic net collection of the film will easily cross ₹225 crore over the first extended weekend and ₹300 crore in a week.
Talking about how Pathaan will fare in the coming days, Atul added, “If the film had to crash, it would have done so on Republic Day. It may have got the benefit of the holiday but the numbers would not have been greater than those on first day. It clearly got a very good word-of-mouth. The advance booking for Saturday and Sunday are good. Everybody wants to see it once. The movie is not coming to OTT before April.”
He said that the net collection of the film will be around ₹300 crore by the end of week one. “Even next weekend should be good for Pathaan as no big Hindi film is releasing. The exhibitors may also want to retain maximum screens for the film which is already earning big.”
As per the Yash Raj Films, Pathaan grossed ₹200 crore worldwide in two days of the release . Producer and film business analyst Girish Johar expressed hopes that the film will gross ₹400 crore by the first weekend. “It is roughly 50 percent drop from the second-day collection, and that is good. The word-of-mouth-is clearly positive, we still have Saturday and Sunday. I am expecting ₹30-35 crore on Saturday, and ₹40-45 crore on Sunday. So the film will gross closer to ₹400 crore by the time it closes the first extended weekend.”