Pathaan is breaking records ever since its release on Wednesday. After becoming the highest Bollywood opener, the Hindi version of the Siddharth Anand directorial went on to collect around ₹70 crore on its second day, which happened to be a Republic Day holiday. The film stars Shah Rukh Khan, Deepika Padukone and John Abraham in lead roles, along with Ashutosh Rana, Dimple Kapadia in pivotal roles. Salman Khan also has a cameo in the film. Also read: Pathaan actor Rachel Ann Mullins on co-star Shah Rukh Khan: ‘I didn’t know who he was until we worked together’
Pathaan opened on Wednesday with domestic collections of ₹57, becoming the highest Bollywood opening film in history. It went on to cross ₹100 crore on day 2, Thursday and a Republic Day holiday. Needless to say, the film had the highest collections for a Bollywood film on day 2.
According to, Pathaan collected at least ₹70 crore in the Hindi and could be higher when the final numbers come. This would take its two-day collections to around ₹127 crore. The report stated: “There is no film which has even got close to 70 crore nett with the 50 crore nett mark being breached a couple of times on the first day.”
On Thursday night, film trade analyst Taran Adarsh shared the day 2 collections at three major national chains including INOX, Cinepolis and PVR. He tweeted, “#Pathaan at *national chains*… Day 2… Update: 10.10 pm. #PVR: 13.75 cr #INOX: 11.65 cr #Cinepolis 6.20 cr Total: ₹ 31.60 cr UNSTOPPABLE. Note: #Pathaan *entire Day 1* at *national chains* was ₹ 27.08 cr.”
The Hindustan Times review of the film read: “Pathaan is your true-blue commercial, masala entertainer that’s not trying to send across any message or be a social commentary on the current state of affairs in the country. It’s fun, non-fussy and fantastic at the same time.”
As soon as the film released on Wednesday, midnight shows were also added to meet the unprecedented demand across the country. The film released on 8000 screens across the globe, with 2500 screens abroad. It may go on to make many more new records in the coming weekend.