Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor stepped out with their son Jehangir Ali Khan in Mumbai. On Wednesday morning, They were seen returning from somewhere in the city. While the family didn’t pose for paparazzi stationed outside their house, Saif and Kareena were snapped sharing a short kiss. However, it is their son Jeh who grabbed all the limelight. Also read: Kareena Kapoor is joined by Jehangir Ali Khan during her yoga session
In a video that surfaced online, Kareena appeared in a casual look. She wore a grey hoodie, paired with black pants and a red cap. She was busy talking to someone on a call. After Saif Ali Khan stepped out of the car, carrying Jeh upside down on his shoulder.
Kareena appeared to be calling Saif back about something, to which he went close to her and planted a sweet kiss on her lips. Then, the two with Jeh went inside their building.
Reacting to the video, a user wrote, “Cute lill moment.” “Afterall he is a father,” added another one. Kareena and Saif recently attended a sports event at their older son, Taimur’s school in Mumbai. Kareena posted a bunch of pictures from the day. Saif participated in a father’s race.Filmmaker Karan Johar was also seen cheering for his twins—Yash and Roohi.
Kareena tied the knot with Saif in 2012 Mumbai. The couple is blessed with two sons—Taimur (5) and Jehangir Ali Khan (1). Their kids enjoy immense popularity among paparazzi and fans. Talking about his sons, Kareena earlier told News18, “He (Taimur) has already skipped a generation due to his father and they watch Pirates Of The Caribbean, Star Wars and The Mandalorian together. These are the things that Saif likes and Taimur wants to be like him. He’s very close to his father. The boys all gang up against me. He’s a boy who’s very bright, understanding and quite ahead of his age. He understands it when somebody tells him that something is not right and he isn’t supposed to do it. But both he and Jeh are very naughty. Boys, however, grow up and change. I’m sure things are going to change a lot.”
Kareena will be next seen in Sujoy Ghosh and Hansal Mehta’s upcoming films.
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