OnePlus has been rumored to have a tablet in the works, and now we’re getting an official peek at the device ahead of a launch event next month. A teaser image posted to OnePlus’ Indian website and shared with TechRadar on Thursday shows a prominent camera bump central along the tablet’s edge. The tablet will be called the OnePlus Pad.
While it’s hard to distinguish in the official photo, unofficial renders from OnLeaks and MySmartPrice suggest the camera will be on the longer edge of the tablet, keeping it centered when the tablet is used in a landscape position.
OnePlus’ Indian website says the tablet will be announced at its Feb. 7 Cloud 11 launch event where the company will also debut the OnePlus 11 and OnePlus 11R smartphones, OnePlus Buds Pro 2 and a new OnePlus TV. Mention of the new devices is absent from its US website, sparking speculation that the tablet won’t be widely available outside of India at launch.
OnePlus didn’t immediately return request for comment.