A 25-year-old journalist was tied to a tree and assaulted with slaps and punches by a group of men over an old argument in a village in Hoshangabad, Madhya Pradesh, on January 25, police today said. The beating, linked to a trivial argument some weeks ago, was video-recorded by the men, all six of whom have been arrested.
In his complaint, the journalist, Prakash Yadav, who works for a TV and online news outlet, said he was on his way back to his village, Kotgaon, on a motorcycle after making some advertisement bookings from the neighboring Managaon, when a man named Narayan Yadav waylaid him. He allegedly abused Prakash Yadav over an argument they’d had on January 1.
“When I objected, his brother Narendra Yadav and another man named Om Prakash came and joined him, and they assaulted me,” the journalist said as per the FIR.
A case has been registered under sections related to assault and criminal intimidation.