Superstar Mahesh Babu and the wizard of words Trivikram Srinivas collaborated for the third time to deliver another blockbuster, SSMB 28. The untitled film’s regular shoot commenced very recently in Hyderabad and the star hero also partake in the schedule.

The film’s title and even the first look poster were not released yet but the movie is creating a sensation in trade circles. The official news is that the digital rights of the movie are acquired by the OTT giant Netflix for whopping Rs 81 crores, which is the highest-ever deal for a Telugu cinema. There is a huge demand for the theatrical rights of the movie too for all areas. The important note is that the movie will have its premiere on the OTT space after 50 days of its theatrical run.

S Radhakrishna (China Babu) of Haarika & Hassine Creations is producing the film on a massive scale. Billed to be an action entertainer laced with family elements, the film has Pooja Hegde and Sreeleela as the lead actresses. Some noted actors and a spectacular team of technicians will take care of different crafts. Thaman will provide soundtracks for this biggie.

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