Ajay Devgn and Kajol’s daughter Nysa Devgan, who is known for her social life, has arrived in Dubai with her close friends. On Friday, she took a flight with her close friend Orhan Awatramani. Hours later, Orhan dropped fresh photos with Nysa and model Tania Shroff from an unknown location, and it seems like they are all set to ring in the new year with style. (Also read: Nysa Devgan arrives with Ibrahim Ali Khan, Mahikaa Rampal at Christmas party in Mumbai)
In the first photo shared by Nysa, she was seen happily posing with her passport and a drink in hand. She was accompanied by Orhan as both jetted out of Mumbai. It was followed by Orhan posting stylish photos of himself next to Nysa in a printed statement dress from Versace. They were joined by Tania, who is currently dating actor Ahan Shetty. She wore denim pants with a silver top.
Nysa is Kajol and Ajay Devgn‘s firstborn child. She also has a younger brother, Yug. While Nysa maintains a private profile on social media, she is not less than an influencer and enjoys massive popularity.
After finishing school in Singapore at United World College of South East Asia, Nysa is currently perusing higher studies in Switzerland. She is often seen travelling and partying with friends across countries. On Christmas, Nysa partied with actors Saif Ali Khan and Amrita Singh’s son, Ibrahim Ali Khan. They were also joined Mahikaa Rampal, who is actor Arjun Rampal’s daughter.
Talking about Nysa, earlier in the year, Ajay shared if he would cast his daughter in any of his maiden projects if she expresses her wish to act. Ajay told ETimes, “My daughter has not mentioned to me (at least yet) that she wishes to join the movies. So, everything else is hypothetical.”
“She (Nysa) is just a teenager. She hasn’t told Kajol or me what her final career choice would be. As of now, she is studying overseas. If she decides to pursue a career in the film industry, it will be her choice. As parents, we will always support her,” Ajay had also shared with Hindustan Times. Kajol also recently talked about how Nysa is known all around the world. She said her daughter was once stopped in Singapore for her autograph as well.