On Tuesday, January 24, the Oscar nominations will be announced. The nominations list will be released at 8:30 a.m. ET, or 7 p.m. in India. So, everything will be decided for Rajamouli and the ‘RRR’ team tomorrow.
Since it won the Golden Globe, there is a strong possibility that the original song “Naatu Naatu” by MM Keeravani will be nominated.
Rajamouli, on the other hand, is expecting more. He expects to be nominated for Best Director. So, he’ll be waiting for the nominations with bated breath.
With USA Today magazine’s prediction, NTR is also hoping that his name will be listed among the Best Actors. However, NTR’s chances of being nominated are slim.
Nonetheless, the ‘RRR’ team’s future course will be decided on Tuesday.