Actor, fashion designer Masaba Gupta and actor Satyadeep Misra made their first public appearance as husband and wife after tying the knot in secret. The newlywed couple was also joined by their family members in front of the paparazzi. Among them were Masaba’s mom Neena Gupta, her father Vivian Richards, Neena’s husband Vivek Mehra, Satyadeep’s mother Nalini and his sister Chinmaya. Also read: Neena Gupta, husband Vivek, ex Vivian Richards come together to bless Masaba Gupta on her wedding day
The family hosted a party in Mumbai to celebrate Masaba and Satyadeep’s wedding. In a video, Masaba is seen arriving at the venue with dad Vivian. She wore a black full-sleeve top, paired with a blue draped skirt with a slit. Vivian arrived in a dark grey suit.
Satyadeep wore a white shirt and pants, topped it with a beige blazer. The new couple and family members also distributed sweets and gifts to the media.
On Friday morning, Masaba and Satyadeep announced their wedding on social media. Masaba posted two pictures from the wedding and wrote, “Married my ocean of calm, this morning. Here’s to many many lifetimes of love, peace, stability & most importantly laughter. And thanks for letting me pick the caption – this is gonna be great!”
“Aaj beti ki shaadi huee dil mein ajeeb see shanti khushi abhaar aur pyaar umda hai sharing with you friends @masabagupta @instasattu (today my daughter got married, there is a strange peace, happiness gratitude and love in my heart, sharing with you friends),” added Neena Gupta later on her account.
Masaba and Satyadeep have been dating for two years, before they took the plunge. They met on the sets of the 2020 Netflix series Masaba Masaba. Masaba was earlier married to producer Madhu Mantena and parted ways in 2019.
She is the daughter of actor Neena Gupta and former West Indies cricketer Vivian Richards. She is a successful fashion designer and actor. She was last seen in Modern Love Mumbai.
Satyadeep Misra made his Bollywood debut with No One Killed Jessica. He worked as a corporate lawyer previously. He was recently seen as a senior inspector in Vikram Vedha and was also a part of Mukhbir. His latest outing is Tanaav.