Netflix has been coming up with some promising content for its Indian users these days. Recently they released a few original films and series like Monica, O My Darling, Qala, and Khakee: The Bihar Chapter, which were nicely received. In addition, the OTT platform has now announced a new series names Trial By Fire.

The series is based on the 1997 Uphaar Cinema, which registered 59 deaths and 100 injured people. The fire accident occurred in a cinema hall in India’s capital and is still quite an unfortunate event. Prashanth Nair and Kevinluperchio create the series.

The show is inspired by the bestseller book Trial by Fire: The Tragic Tale of the Uphaar Fire Tragedy by Neelam and Shekhar Krishnamoorthy. Rajshri Deshpande, Abhay Deol, Rajesh Tailing, Ashish Vidyarthi, and Anupam Kher essay key roles. Prashanth Nair and Randeep Jha direct the show, and it will be available to stream from January 13, 2023.

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