Andhra Pradesh Deputy Chief Minister K. Pawan Kalyan posted in a message on X that the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) government in the State achieved major milestones in the Panchayat Raj Department and it was possible under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chief Minister N. Chandrababu Naidu.
“Foremost among them was the construction of 3,750 km of cement concrete roads in six months against 1,800 km laid during the YSR Congress Party (YSRCP) regime,” he said.
The other two achievements are the development of habitations of Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups at a cost of ₹750 crore compared to just ₹91 crore spent by the YSRCP government. A total of 22,500 Mini Gokulams were set up in the last six months compared to 268 established in 2019-24.
Published – January 13, 2025 01:08 pm IST